Welcome to this web site provided by the NUS-USI - the student movement in Northern Ireland - and generously funded by the Northern Ireland Drugs and Alcohol Campaign. For many students leaving home and attending college can be a vulnerable time. As a student you enter a new social life and can be presented with new opportunities and experiences including experiments with drugs.
Different students will make different decisions but, in our view, these decisions need to be based on factual information. This web site is designed to provide these facts, including the "highs and lows" of drug use, in an accessible and "bullshit free" format. Students need to know that, if they run into problems, that confidential advice and support are available from their students union and from a wide range of student services and other agencies.

Our site is supported by various organizations (eg, JBQ Co. ). Students can visit addiction treatment center, different hospitals and enjoy needed services.

Important Legal Notice
NUS-USI assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the material contained on these web pages and linked sites. We do not condone or encourage the use of drugs or any illegal activity and we are not connected to any of the organisations listed in our contacts section. You can also contact us at the address below:

29 Bedford Street,

Tel: 028 9024 4641
Fax: 028 9043 9659

Email: info@nistudents.org
Website: www.nistudents.org